Bookings marketplace, helping you to manage business in a smart way.
Bookings marketplace, helping you to manage business in a smart way.
Bookings marketplace, helping you to manage business in a smart way.
Bookings marketplace, helping you to manage business in a smart way.
Bookings marketplace, helping you to manage business in a smart way.
Bookings marketplace, helping you to manage business in a smart way.
Bookings marketplace, helping you to manage business in a smart way.
Bellong in one stop booking market place – and enjoy the radiant transformation that makes booking easy.
Aikaus system also acept payments during booking by online banking, credit cards, master cards, paypal
Online payment
Aikaus also permit customers to book and pay in store with light weight POS devises
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Customize your appointment schedule and booking page
Share your personal booking page with your customers & prospects
Your customers & prospects book an available time with you
Customise and branding your business to share your booking page with a smart URL which will help you to run your business a smart way.
There are no boundary for your business, Share your booking page URL using any social platform email or others to booking your services from anywhere in the world.
Integrate with Zoom, So you can easily manage your Virtual Meetings and Classes right from platform .
Easily process your payments online in a secure manner, Select from Payment Processors like PayPal, Stripe and offline.
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